OTTO WP Operator Control Module Range Details

The Operator Control Module is a multi-use device with joystick and keypad functionality - Combined into one active assembly. The OTTO Operator Control Module is CAN driven, perfect for demanding applications to provide a variety of functions. KEY FEATURES • Indicator Lights • Backlit Options • Hall Effect Joysticks/Toggles/Rockers/Pushbuttons OTTO WP Operator Control Module is available with custom options, to meet your own specific needs.


OTTO engineers utilize an optimized product development process to develop these high quality, CAN driven OTTO operator control modules, designed to meet customer requirements for demanding applications.

The OTTO control modules can include a variety of controls such as:

Hall effect joysticks
Hall effect and electromechanical toggles
Hall effect and electromechanical rockers
Hall effect and electromechanical pushbuttons
Indicator lights
Backlit keypads

The advancement of CAN technology has facilitated the creation of components that are environmentally and electronically robust enough to handle the rigors of:


The plug and play CAN environment allows OTTO to provide a value added service when developing new interfaces by providing a component that will plug in at the node in the CAN system that the OEM requires. All messaging, error handling and prioritization hierarchy is specified, guaranteeing that the unit will work as soon as it is plugged into the network.

With OTTO’s rapid product development infrastructure in place, the engineers work on the components and interfaces while the machine shop provides rapid prototypes of the conceptual product.

This prototyping capability provides production-grade thermoplastic models from CAD designs that are accurate and repeatable, providing the customer with the ability to refine the ergonomics and design requirements and produce multiple prototypes prior to spending valuable time and money on standard tooling.